About Psychotherapy
Going to therapy can be daunting and especially challenging. It can feel frightening to explore old wounds and perhaps, in the process, even discover new ones that maybe you didn’t even know were there.
What can be even more challenging than going to therapy however is to live with fear, anxiety, and sadness. And although most people can find ways to manage the loneliness and anxiety of everyday life, it tends to keep finding ways to seep through once again.
Therapy cannot promise that you will never feel depressed or anxious again. But it can give you the tools and the environment that you might need to flourish and learn more about yourself and the way you relate to others around you. It can be a safe place where you can feel that another person has you in mind, and wants to empathetically listen to you, and challenge you, with your best intentions in mind.
The sad reality is that what happened in the past, cannot change. A person that left us, a parent that hurt us, someone that loved us too much or too little, an accident, a bad sexual experience, a fight, a bad diagnosis. There are so many things, that can go through our minds and still hurt us every day. What I am hoping to help you with, is to allow yourself to understand the past, and how it has affected you and perhaps get to a point that, although it would be better if these bad things didn’t happen, you can still feel secure and whole despite the fact that they did.
Psychotherapy can help with a range of issues, including, but not exclusive to:
-Abuse -Addictive behaviours -Alcohol and Drug issues
-Anger Management -Anxiety -Bereavement and loss
-Body dysmorphia -Bonding and Attachment Issues -Depression
-Identity Issues -Infertility -Issues surrounding food
-Building healthy boundaries -Issues with intimacy and sex -LGBTQ+ issues
-Pain management -Psychosomatic Issues -Relationship Issues
-Self-worth and self-esteem issues -Trauma - Feelings of shame and guilt